Bibliothèque Kurde de Paris
Environ 13 000 documents répertoriés. Informations complémentaires sur demande.
About 13,000 documents listed. Additional data on request.
Détail de l'auteur
Auteur محمدی مەلا كەریم
Forme retenue (renvoi voir) :
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (7)
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Titre : |
Cengawerêkî Vêtnamî ; جەنگاوەرێکی ڤێتنامی : ya diwa rojekanî jîyanî xebatkerî lêbûrdû, Nugwîn [Nguyen] Van Troi ; یا دواڕۆژەکانی ژیانی خەباتکەری لێبووردوو، نیوین ڤان ترۆی |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
محمدی مەلا كەریم, Traducteur |
Editeur : |
Bagdad : Shafiq |
Année de publication : |
1970 |
Importance : |
147 p. |
Langues : |
Kurde (kur) Kurde central (soranî) (ckb) |
Index. décimale : |
0928 Wêjeya cîhanî ya wergerandî | Littérature mondiale en traduction kurde | World literature in Kurdish translation | ئەدەبیاتی جیهانی وەرگێڕدراوە بۆ سەر زمانی کوردی |
Note de contenu : |
Nguyen Van Troi (1947 - October 15, 1964) was a Viet Cong (National Liberation Front) fighter. He became known after being captured by the South Vietnamese when trying to assassinate United States Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and future ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. who were visiting South Vietnam in May 1963. He was executed by firing squad aged 17 years. His execution was filmed, and he remained defiant to the end. His last words before his execution in Saigon to correspondents were 'It is the Americans who have committed aggression on our country, it is they who have been killing our people with planes and bombs.. I have never acted against the will of my people. It is against the Americans that I have taken action.' When a priest offered him absolution, he refused, saying: 'I have committed no sin. It is the Americans who have sinned.' He refused to have his eyes covered before volleys hit him saying 'Let me look at our beloved land' and as the first shots were fired, he called out, 'Long live Vietnam!' (Photo caption from the Getty Images website). |
Alphabet utilisé : |
Arabo-persan |
Permalink : | |
Cengawerêkî Vêtnamî ; جەنگاوەرێکی ڤێتنامی : ya diwa rojekanî jîyanî xebatkerî lêbûrdû, Nugwîn [Nguyen] Van Troi ; یا دواڕۆژەکانی ژیانی خەباتکەری لێبووردوو، نیوین ڤان ترۆی [texte imprimé] / محمدی مەلا كەریم, Traducteur . - Bagdad : Shafiq, 1970 . - 147 p. Langues : Kurde ( kur) Kurde central (soranî) ( ckb)
Index. décimale : |
0928 Wêjeya cîhanî ya wergerandî | Littérature mondiale en traduction kurde | World literature in Kurdish translation | ئەدەبیاتی جیهانی وەرگێڕدراوە بۆ سەر زمانی کوردی |
Note de contenu : |
Nguyen Van Troi (1947 - October 15, 1964) was a Viet Cong (National Liberation Front) fighter. He became known after being captured by the South Vietnamese when trying to assassinate United States Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and future ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. who were visiting South Vietnam in May 1963. He was executed by firing squad aged 17 years. His execution was filmed, and he remained defiant to the end. His last words before his execution in Saigon to correspondents were 'It is the Americans who have committed aggression on our country, it is they who have been killing our people with planes and bombs.. I have never acted against the will of my people. It is against the Americans that I have taken action.' When a priest offered him absolution, he refused, saying: 'I have committed no sin. It is the Americans who have sinned.' He refused to have his eyes covered before volleys hit him saying 'Let me look at our beloved land' and as the first shots were fired, he called out, 'Long live Vietnam!' (Photo caption from the Getty Images website). |
Alphabet utilisé : |
Arabo-persan |
Permalink : | |
Exemplaires (1)
IKPLIV107840 | 0928 MEL CEN | Livre | 4- Magasin principal (RdC) | Main store (ground floor) | 4.01 Etagères générales RdC | Exclu du prêt |

Dîwânî Bêkes ; دیوانی بێ كەس = [Recueil de poésie de Fayeq Bêkes] [texte imprimé] / فایەق بێكەس, Auteur ; محمدی مەلا كەریم, Préfacier, etc. . - Bagdad [Irak] : Hîsam, 1986 . - 240 p. 3e éd. Auteur renvoi Bêkes, Fayeq. Préfacier renvoi Mela Kerim, Muhamadi. Langues : Kurde ( kur) Kurde central (soranî) ( ckb) |
Exemplaires (1)
IKPLIV101274 | 0922 BEK DIW | Livre | 1- Salle de lecture | Reading room | 1.08 Littérature écrite (0920-0930) | Exclu du prêt |

Dîwânî Bêkes ; دیوانی بێ كەس = [Recueil de poésie de Fayeq Bêkes] [texte imprimé] / فایەق بێكەس, Auteur ; محمدی مەلا كەریم, Préfacier, etc. . - Saqqez [Iran] : KItabfirosh Muhamadî, 1986 . - 164 p. 3e éd. Auteur renvoi Bêkes, Fayeq. Préfacier renvoi Mela Kerim, Muhamadi. Langues : Kurde ( kur) Kurde central (soranî) ( ckb) |
Exemplaires (1)
IKPLIV101726 | 0922 BEK DIW | Livre | 1- Salle de lecture | Reading room | 1.08 Littérature écrite (0920-0930) | Exclu du prêt |

Titre : |
Dîwanî Goran [1] ; دیوانی گۆران [١] : Sercemî berhemî Goran, bergî yekem | سەرجەمی بەرهەمی گۆران، بەرگی یەكەم |
Titre original : |
[Recueil des poèmes de Goran, vol. 1] |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Auteurs : |
عبدالله سلێمان گۆران, Auteur ; محمدی مەلا كەریم, Compilateur |
Editeur : |
Bagdad [Irak] : Korî Zanyarî Êraq, Destey Kurd | كۆری زانیاری عێراق، دەستەی كورد | Académie irakienne des sciences, Section kurde |
Année de publication : |
1980 |
Importance : |
559 p. |
Note générale : |
Auteur renvoi Goran, Abdulla Silêman. Le compilateur est aussi préfacier. Renvoi Mela Kerîm, Mihemedî. Ambiguïté sur Mela Karim: Mela = prénom ou titre? Si prénom, rejeter... |
Langues : |
Kurde (kur) Kurde central (soranî) (ckb) |
Index. décimale : |
0922 Wêjeya nivîskî, helbest | Litt. écrite, poésie | Written literature, poetry | ئەدەبیاتی نووسراو، هۆنراوە |
Permalink : | |
Dîwanî Goran [1] ; دیوانی گۆران [١] = [Recueil des poèmes de Goran, vol. 1] : Sercemî berhemî Goran, bergî yekem | سەرجەمی بەرهەمی گۆران، بەرگی یەكەم [texte imprimé] / عبدالله سلێمان گۆران, Auteur ; محمدی مەلا كەریم, Compilateur . - Bagdad [Irak] : Korî Zanyarî Êraq, Destey Kurd | كۆری زانیاری عێراق، دەستەی كورد | Académie irakienne des sciences, Section kurde, 1980 . - 559 p. Auteur renvoi Goran, Abdulla Silêman. Le compilateur est aussi préfacier. Renvoi Mela Kerîm, Mihemedî. Ambiguïté sur Mela Karim: Mela = prénom ou titre? Si prénom, rejeter... Langues : Kurde ( kur) Kurde central (soranî) ( ckb) |
Exemplaires (1)
IKPLIV103102 | 0922 GOR DIW (1) | Livre | 1- Salle de lecture | Reading room | 1.08 Littérature écrite (0920-0930) | Exclu du prêt |

Exemplaires (1)
IKPLIV106380 | 0922 GOR DIW | Livre | 2- Bureau bibliothécaire | Librarian's office | 2.01 Etagères générales bureau bibliothécaire | Exclu du prêt |

